
3 Ways to Save Yourself Money on Vehicle Repairs

Vehicle repairs can often be a hefty and unexpected expense for most individuals, but there are quite a few different options available to you when it comes to saving yourself money on those repairs. Listed below are three ways to save yourself quite a lot of money on vehicle repairs. Don't Put Off Minor Repairs One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you are trying to save money on vehicle repairs is to put off minor repairs. Read More 

3 Options For Getting Rid Of Chipped Paint On Your Brick Home

If you have a brick house that has been painted, you might want to get rid of the chipped paint so that your brick's original color can show through. You may even want to add a layer of paint yourself, but you may want to get started with a clean slate. Either way, you could be wondering about the best way to get rid of chipped paint on your brick home. Read More 

Need Some Dents Repaired? 4 Questions To Ask Your Body Shop

If your car's been damaged in an accident, it will need to spend some time in the body shop. While it's inconvenient, it's better to have the repairs taken care of than to suffer additional damage, such as rust and corrosion. Not only that, but you want your car to be fully-restored after an accident. You don't want to drive around with dings and dents, when you can get them fixed instead. Read More 

3 Reasons To Have Your Damaged Windshield Repaired Today

Have you recently driven through a construction zone and gotten a chip in your windshield? Are you putting off having your windshield replaced because of how much of a hassle it is? Completely replacing a damaged windshield can be an arduous process, sometimes involving your insurance company. If you don't want to deal with that, you may think that you have no other options. However, auto glass repair may be exactly what you're looking for. Read More 

Auto Body Dent Repair - Avoiding Sanding Mistakes To Ensure A Smooth Fix

If you notice several small dents along the exterior body of your vehicle, then you may be tempted to repair the damage yourself. If dents are relatively large, then it is best to work with an experienced auto body repair shop, or you may not retain the right curvature across the repair. However, you can try your hand at fixing smaller dents, which will require you to sand, fill, and paint the damage. Read More